Monday 26 May 2014


Hey everyone, welcome to this space. So in this blog, I will be talking about the concept of customer loyalty, and the programs designed to improve and strengthen the relationship between customers and retail organizations.

In the harsh competitive setting of the retail industry, it is important to maintain sales target. Over the years, the concept of customer loyalty has dramatically changed. In the earlier days, companies only put their focus on increasing the number of sales. As time progressed the shift in focus has gone into maintaining and improving the relationship between existing customers and retail stores. Customer loyalty is the customers' relationship towards certain organizations, brands, particularly the retail stores. Customer loyalty programs are designed in order to improve the quality of the shopping experience; a method used to offer better deals involving products and services that are in demand. It is a method used by retail stores to promote their products and services and boost purchases. Customer Loyalty programs come in various forms such as points card, membership cards, and discount cards. In addition they assist in determining customers' wants and purchasing behavior. This allows retail stores to perform more effectively by responding better to customers' needs and wants.

I look forward to talking more about customer loyalty programs so stay tuned, please let me know what you think and post your comments and feedback.



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